Sunday, April 27, 2008

Yesterday Josh found a pool table on Craigslist and found someone else on Craigslist that would disassemble, move, and assemble the table. The felt on the table was nasty so Josh got a great deal on new felt and picked out a beautiful navy color. It almost gave him a nervous breakdown to pick out a felt color without my input (I was at a bridal shower) but he did a terrific job! Our basement is sure coming along!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What goes around comes around

You often hear stories of people that give much, through faith that God will always provide, and receive abundant blessings in return. I think we recently experienced this blessing ourselves. It may just be a coincidence, but as the saying goes, perhaps a coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous. Plus, I strive to look for God in my daily experiences and happenings. If you intentionally look for God, you will often see His hand at work.

I was far too zealous when submitting our taxes this year. I finished our taxes prior to the end of January and was quite frustrated with myself once I received another form at the end of January that changed our tax position. Because of this form, we should have received a $513 refund. I promptly filed an amendment with the IRS. Many weeks went by and I didn't receive the refund. I clearly remember checking my mail on a Saturday in March and after once again not receiving the check, I made a pact with God that if we received the refund, I would donate it to HOPE International. Lo and behold, three days later the refund check was in the mail. My imperfect and sinful nature quickly took hold as I immediately thought about all the ways we could put that money to work: the upcoming tuition bill, textbooks for my summer classes, debt payment, the patio we want installed this summer, etc. Then God spoke to me very clearly and more or less said, "Whitney! Are you kidding me? HELLO! Don't you remember that we had a deal??". Of course. It wasn't merely a coincidence that the check arrived 3 days after my pact, after months of waiting. I explained this whole story to Josh (who didn't know about the pact) and he 100% agreed that we should give the money to HOPE. Did you know that a donation to a micro-lending institution, such as HOPE, is multiplied many times over? The money is lent to one borrower who repays the loan, then the same money is borrowed to another lender, who subsequently repays the loan, and on and on. Some research has shown that a donation to a non-profit such as HOPE is multiplied 20 times over. So our $500 tax refund, when donated to HOPE, effectively became a $10,000 donation!

So this is where the "blessings in return" portion comes in. Last week, just a few weeks after our donation, we were given a beautiful, practically new couch, that is PERFECT for our newly finished basement. Look at the picture! It's fabulous. Josh's aunt Sue has a wealthy friend who was getting new furniture and no longer needed this set. She graciously gave it to us, and I haven't even met her before! We feel so grateful and blessed as we did not have the money to spend on basement furniture. Perhaps there is no connection between our donation to HOPE and our surprise gift of furniture. But maybe there is... "Start seeing miracles".

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Good Saturday

We finally painted our basement on Saturday! It has come so far since it's moldy days. We were so grateful to have Annie, Bethanie, and Barry help us! We did the primer plus two coats all around in about 5 hours. Goes fast when two people are doing trim and 3 are rolling!
Now we just need to install the carpet and it will look like a real basement! Josh is keeping his eye out for a good deal on a pool table.

Notice the sweet zubaz!!!

Last night Josh took Bethanie and Barry to Old Chicago to thank them for their help. I went with my former co-workers Sara and Rachael to The Cheesecake Factory. It took them both a long time and they had a lot of heartache (especially Rachael) before having their precious daughters so they are sooo good at empathizing with me and supporting me. We had so much fun!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

My Savior, He can move the mountains.

I think Easter Sunday is my favorite day of the entire year. (It must be if it's mid-April and I'm still thinking about it!). Our church, Hosanna, puts on an incredible Easter service. It is unbelievable. This year 11,260 people attended Easter service at Hosanna!! There was a big choir and a spirit-filled band that closed the service with the song, "Mighty to Save" by Hillsong. It was so moving. My dad was at the service with us and he got goosebumps too!
Since then Josh and I have loved this song. Bethany Marty has music on her blog ( and this is one of the songs on her playlist. When Josh and I are on the internet we often pull up the Marty's blog and listen to the music as we do whatever it is we're doing on the 'net. (Thanks Bethany- that music touches my heart and I am thankful this song is on your blog!)

This has been a hard week for me. I would have been nearing the half-way point of my pregnancy. I had my hopes up to be pregnant again only to be disappointed. I feel myself being challenged and stretched in my faith. But my chin is up.

Everyone needs compassion
A love that's never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness
A kindness of a Savior
The hope of nations
My Savior
He can move the mountains
My God is Mighty to save
He is Mighty to save
Author of salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave
So take me as You find me
All my fears and failures
Fill my life again
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in
Now I surrender