Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Good Saturday

We finally painted our basement on Saturday! It has come so far since it's moldy days. We were so grateful to have Annie, Bethanie, and Barry help us! We did the primer plus two coats all around in about 5 hours. Goes fast when two people are doing trim and 3 are rolling!
Now we just need to install the carpet and it will look like a real basement! Josh is keeping his eye out for a good deal on a pool table.

Notice the sweet zubaz!!!

Last night Josh took Bethanie and Barry to Old Chicago to thank them for their help. I went with my former co-workers Sara and Rachael to The Cheesecake Factory. It took them both a long time and they had a lot of heartache (especially Rachael) before having their precious daughters so they are sooo good at empathizing with me and supporting me. We had so much fun!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell Annie that Zubaz are making a comeback. The orginial guy who made them has started marketing them again, SO, she's a trend setter.