I am sitting here home alone on Saturday evening at 7:28 PM waiting for Pizza Hut to deliver my scrumptious food, watching CSI, and thinking about adoption.
Adoption is on my heart. A lot.
It started 10 years ago when I first visited Ukraine. I was blessed to visit a couple orphanages with Jessica and Cindy Marty. There is a vision from one of the orphanages that is forever sketched in my mind. We were outside and there were approximately 15 toddlers (2-3 year olds) standing in a circular "gate". The gate was about 4 feet high. There was little room for them to play within this gate. There were no toys.
They were just standing there. Staring at me. Pleading with their eyes to "hold me!", "hug me!", "LOVE ME!". I took a picture of this view and walked away. I may have walked away physically but I have never walked away emotionally. I love those kids.
Why would I go to Ukraine three times? You must admit, most people do not have that opportunity, and if granted to them, many people would not take it. Why would I have a feeling, long before I knew it to be true, that I would struggle with infertility?
Maybe God had it all planned out. Maybe all of these events have taken place in my life to lead me to adopting from Ukraine.
Update.... the pizza just arrived. Mmmm MMM!
I was reading an article about the new movie called "Fireproof" that was created by the same group that created "Facing the Giants". In the interview with the Director, I read the following question and it just spoke to me!
Q: You have four adopted children, ages 11, 10, 9 and 8, and two biological children, ages 7 and 5. Has being an adoptive family given you any special insights into the way God adopts people into his family?
A: Adoption is wonderful — what a great picture of God's love for us. You can say to your adoptive children, "We chose to love you." That's how it is with the Lord. Jesus said, "You didn't choose me, but I chose you." It's worked out great. My wife is an adopted child herself, so it's a natural part of our family.
We chose you. We chose you from halfway around the world to be a part of our family. Forever. How I pray it will be so!
annie kate
6 years ago
I have tears in my eyes!
I love this!
I love you!
...I kinda wish I were eating pizza!
love you,
Hello - time to update!!!!! love, Annie/momo
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