Sunday, September 13, 2009

Claire wins the most mobile award

You never know what kind of photo opportunity you're going to have when you pull out the camera. This afternoon while Daddy napped, I organized Claire's clothes in her nursery. I laid her on her tummy on her Boppy and gave her a toy. She played for a few minutes and then I laid on the floor a couple feet in front of her. I snapped several shots of her in action. The following 9 pictures prove that I have the MOST MOBILE 4 MONTH OLD EVER! Amazingly, she never lets go of the toy in her hand! She's so smart. :) And cute. And loveable. And adorable. And funny. Okay, I'm smitten.

(also note her Vikings outfit that Auntie Bethanie gave her today!)

Step 1: Look at the Mommy and flash my million dollar smile.

Step 2: Place toy near mouth and lean forward.

Step 3: Shove bum in air.

Step 4: Lean to the right.

Step 5: Lean to the left.

Step 6: Roll over and off the Boppy!

Step 7: Roll from back to tummy! All while holding on to my toy.

Step 8: Smile because I am so proud of myself!

You can see where she started and where she ended up! Note her leg is stuck under the crib. I had to help her with that one- she's only 4 months, she can't do everything herself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's practicing cheering. Lean to the right, lean to the left, stand up sit down, fight fight fight.

Love, Auntie H