Monday, December 14, 2009

Miss Mobile!

Claire is ON THE MOVE!!! She officially started crawling on November 18th and hasn't stopped since! She can even pull herself to a standing position on her own. Now that she's completely mobile, she's getting into all kinds of trouble.

She climbs on boxes....

She eats the tupperware.

She crawls under the table and through the chairs.

She plays with electrical cords (we do try to limit this behavior).

She eyes up her nuk and chases it feverishly.

She gets stuck under the table (and like all good moms, I tell her to hold on as I grab my camera and take a picture).

And she pulls herself to standing!
Oh, how much joy she brings us each day as she discovers the world around her!


Barry said...

Bethanie and I laughed out loud at some of those pictures! Never a dull moment at the Docken's!

Bethanie said...

Love the jean dress and the pink and brown sweater, she's just too cute! Claire can come over and point out all of the areas that need baby-proofing for Broden, she looks like she'll be good at that!