Sunday, December 20, 2009

Who I Am

I think I have always been quite self-aware but lately I feel like I know myself better than I ever have before. I don't know why that is- maybe joining motherhood put it all in perspective for me. Maybe it's just the result of frequent reflection over the past years. Whatever it is, I enjoying 'knowing' myself and feeling comfortable with who I am. I enjoy not having to pretend to be something that I am not or wonder what I stand for or believe in. To give you just a glimpse of who I am....

  • I am pro-life. I believe that everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made and created in His image. Yes, even the little fetus that is only weeks past conception. I saw Claire's heart beating when I was 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant. There is no question to me that life starts at conception and that all lives are worth protecting. I also believe in the miracle of adoption.
  • My love language is words of affirmation.
  • I dislike politics.
  • My spiritual gift is giving.
  • I strongly believe in microfinance and its ability to alleviate poverty.
  • I think that we do not necessarily have a problem with 'shortage' in this world. Rather, I believe we have a problem with 'distribution'. And it is our (our, not just the government's) responsibility to distribute resources.
  • I love being a mother. I really love it. I feel like it is something I was created to be.
  • I believe that everything does not happen for a reason.
  • I believe that God can make good out of bad situations.
  • I belive that true miracles do happen, through the power of Jesus Christ.
  • I believe in equal rights for men and women; and that women (and men) should be able to choose what they want to do with their life without being confined by gender roles. I believe a woman can be a 'feminist' and still choose, and love, to be a stay at home mom or homemaker. (Today we were at Target and we picked out a 'glow worm' for Claire. Josh thought it looked too 'boy-ish' because there was some blue on it and not a speck of pink. I told Josh that it's perfectly acceptable, even desirable in my opinion, for Claire to own toys that are blue and not pink).
  • I believe that "it's not about me". Or you.
  • I believe in the power of prayer.
  • I often (and by often, I mean multiple times per week) reflect upon the meaning of life.
  • I treasure friendships- new and old.
  • I dislike public speaking, but am pretty good at hiding my nerves.
  • I still struggle with pronouncing the letter "r".
  • I believe in the importance and power of forgiveness.

Just a little bit about me. You may have already known all, most, some, or none of it. On the eve of my 28th birthday, I enjoying thinking about who I am. Because I like me. I think God did an okay job. :)


Anonymous said...

I think He did more than OK!!!!!!! love Annie Docken

Unknown said...

Yay for you, Whitney! I love people who love themselves, and are comfortable with who they are! I often reflect on these sort of things too. Yay for Whitney!