Friday, July 2, 2010

The Gift of a Son

Throughout my life I have witnessed a great example of what a mother/son relationship can look like. My mom and my brother, Chris, are more than a mother and a son. They are true friends, companions, confidants, a support system, a sounding board, and a source of strength. They talk on the phone nearly every day and their love for each other is evident to all of those around them.

They have gone through many ups and downs together, through raising a teenage son, Chris living out of state, Chris’s accident that nearly took his life, my mom’s divorce, and through it all, they have maintained a unique bond. I am close with my mom and also consider her a dear friend and confidant. Yet, I have seen how a mother/son relationship differs from a mother/daughter relationship. I cherish, and know I always will, my relationship with Claire. I can’t wait to do girly things with her, enroll her (hopefully) in dance, or at least gymnastics, take her shopping, teach her to be independent, teach her that she is every bit an equal as any man and that she will not be limited by gender roles (I am so thankful for my mom instilling this knowledge in me from a young age).

On the other hand, I am so excited to experience the unique relationship with my son, that was so beautifully role modeled for me by my own mother and brother. I can’t wait to meet him. Although its sometimes hard to imagine loving another person the way I love Claire, I know that my love will multiply, not divide.

I am equally excited for Claire to have a relationship with a brother. My brother and I, too, have gone through ups and downs but we have always had a close bond. We are now wonderful friends and he is one of the very most important people in my life. As the 10 year anniversary of his horrible accident approaches, I am reminded of what could have been and how lucky we are to have Chris in our lives. The Sheppars family was not so fortunate and my heart aches for them. They lost their son and brother, Chris, during that accident. I look forward to watching Claire and our son grow up together and seeing their relationship flourish and change over the years. I read a study once that argued that your relationship with your sibling is the most influential of your entire life (within your immediate family)- even more so than your relationship with your parents. I am thankful that Claire will have a (at least one, right honey?) sibling and I am really excited that it will be a brother! Just because that’s what I’ve had and I know how special it is.

So, just some rambling about how excited I am to have a son and for Claire to have a brother. Part of me can’t wait until November when we get to meet him. But another part of me remembers that I will have an 18 month old and a newborn and that makes me okay with the pregnancy taking it’s sweet time! :)

Happy 4th!

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