MckMama lives here in Minnesota with her 4, soon to be 5 kids, and husband and is a very well-known blogger. She has interesting thoughts on parenting- from delaying vaccinations, to extended breastfeeding, to nutrition, to discipline. While I don't always agree with her parenting perspectives, I am always intrigued and appreciative of them. This recent post was particularly interesting to me. Check it out here.
Now, onto a pregnancy update! I am 22 1/2 weeks (I think?). The pregnancy has been a breeze so far. I feel so lucky!! I have only had one leg cramp (as opposed to many, many by this point in my last pregnancy) and only a couple low blood sugar episodes. I only gained 23 pounds with Claire (which was perfectly healthy for my body) but I learned that I gained 10 pounds within only 8 weeks this pregnancy (between weeks 13-21)! Yikes! But I actually don't care. I dropped below my pre-pregnancy weight while breastfeeding so I needed to put some extra pounds on. My only real 'symptom', beyond a growing belly, is tiredness (I won't call it 'exhaustion' because I'm pretty sure that's what is going to hit me in November!). I am so much more tired this pregnancy! I'm fine during the day but around 9PM or so I'm ready to hit the hay. But if that's the worst it gets, I'll take it!!!! I am feeling a lot more movement than I expected, due to my anterior placenta. But the nice thing is I don't worry at all if I don't feel movement for awhile. I am laid back with this pregnancy and it's a welcome feeling! We bought nursery furniture this past weekend and began working on converting the office into the nursery. It's getting more real and we're so excited to meet our little guy! We don't have a name yet but we have 3 favorites and we have the same #1 favorite, so maybe that's what he'll be called!
annie kate
6 years ago
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