Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Everyday, Ordinary

I like to capture our normal, every day life.  Our life isn't too exciting, but it's definitely busy, and it's what we live, day in and day out.  I heard the expression the other day from a fellow mother of young children that "we're in the tunnel" right now- and it's so true.  The days start early, are extraordinarily busy, with many moments where we just stop and stare and soak it all in.  The nights can be draining, and often interrupted, but are mostly laughing and hugging and smooching baby cheeks and talking all about our days, with an occasional time out (or three timeouts, within five minutes, as was the case at 5:20PM this evening).  We're in the tunnel, and we won't always be.

Tonight we took our regular evening walk around the neighborhood.  To everyone we passed, Claire cheerfully waved and said, "Hello!  Beautiful night??!"  My heart pulsed a little harder each time.  She insisted on pushing Max in the tricycle, with Max himself jerking the handlebars side to side, and Claire steering haphazardly.  "Claire, can Daddy just push and you walk with Mommy?"  "No, Josh!  You steer and I push!", she replied.  Josh sighed.  I smiled at him and said, "Before we know it, she won't even want to take walks with us".  Yep, we're in the tunnel.  But someday we'll be out, and I'll look back on these everyday, ordinary pictures, and remember the good, and have all but forgotten the bad.

So lucky to have these cracker jacks for my family.... :) 

1 comment:

Annie Docken said...

Those eyes of Max's are KILLER. Don't know what color they are, but the girls are gonna swoon someday. Those pics of Claire covering her eyes are priceless - you'll see, someday you, and she, will treasure that quirkiness and those shots. And the smile she shared when she did uncover her eyes - WOW - loved the slight peek too!! THANK YOU for the wonderful words about Omi Annie for Mother's Day - so sweet!