Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday picnic and Vehicle Day

Have I mentioned I LOVE having every other Friday off?  It's well worth the paycut.  I really enjoy getting together with friends on my Fridays off.  I have several friends from my 'mom group' that either stay home or have Fridays off and we often get together.  Josh surprised me this morning when I was reminding him he better get in the shower before he's too late for work by saying he had taken the day off!  He went to the golf course for several hours this morning and got home right after we left for our adventure so we didn't see him a lot.  

My friends and I  met at a park and enjoyed a picnic, along with pink cupcakes to celebrate Melissa's baby girl being born on June 6th.  Claire whined (almost) ALL morning and was nearly mute during our playdate (although she had tons of fun), so the peace and quiet from her was refreshing.   

Melissa (with Carson hiding her baby bump), Ashley, and Krista with our broods.  I'm excited to also go out to dinner with these ladies (minus Krista and Ashley but plus Rachel, Jody, and Dagney) on Monday night to celebrate baby girl again! 

For Vehicle Day at the park, they had an ambulance, police car, firetruck, garbage truck, two tractors, sweeper, and several more vehicles.  

Flash forward four years and this little boy will be climbing on that school bus.  

Max was in heaven.  He kept excitedly saying, "tractor!  Tractor!  Drive it! Tractor! Drive it!".  He's lucky his Papa is a farmer and he gets to sit in tractors often. 

Those eyes!  And cheeks!  And round face!  He kills me. 

Claire, on the other hand, thought it was too loud, despite none of the vehicles being on.  

She was styling, and picked out all of her accessories by herself, of course. 

Izzy is only 17 months and already in trouble with the law.  Look at her squeezing those bars and shouting.  She's got a bright future in front of her.  

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