Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rise Up, Rise Up!

I'm still here.  I've decided I'm ready to put July behind me and move onto August.  Not a good month for the Docken household. Since July 2nd, at least one of us has been sick.  Claire was sick on the 4th, which ruined our holiday plans with friends.  Then Max got sick at the cabin, went home early, then got croup, made a trip to Children's Hospital, and then the croup just would.not.go.away! Then Josh and I both came down with the virus.  Then poor Annie did.  Then Claire got the stomach flu.  Then I got it the next day and started vomiting within a minute of arriving home from work.

After vomiting for three long, awful hours, I laid on the couch, half-passed out. Max took my (empty, un-used) large metal puke bowl, raised it high over his head, and SLAMMED it on my face.  Cue bawling on my part (I thought for a minute the bone between my lip and nose was broken).  Max's huge eyes got even bigger as he looked on in sadness, saying, "sowwy Mommy, sowwy Mommy, sowwy Mommy".  I had a 103 fever that night, had to bring the kids to the farm on Friday (my day off) and laid on the couch the entire day instead of playing at the splash park with friends/family like I had planned.  Still felt awful on Saturday but put my rally cap on to get prepared for Heather's baby shower I was co-hosting at my house on Sunday (which was beautiful and went very well, by the way! Thanks so much for the help, Annie and Mom!).   I felt much better on Sunday and thought we were in the clear until Josh started vomiting violently at 4:00AM.  He was SO sick and stayed in bed, with only getting up to use the restroom or vomit, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  

The only one standing is Max.  It appears he isn't going to catch the stomach flu from us, which I can only say is an answer to prayer because he was thoroughly exposed.

So there's a point to all of my complaining (besides providing the reason for my absence on my blog).  I was feeling a little sorry for ourselves Tuesday morning when I was driving to work.  I was so ready to have a healthy household!!  Also, I was supposed to take a long-awaited cooking class with my best friend Sarah that evening (we bought the Living.Social deal last December!) and I had been so excited for it.  One, because I've never taken a cooking class (in the US.  I did take one in France) and two, because I was excited to spend fun time with Sarah.  I wasn't going to make it because I had to take care of the children that night, with Josh being chained to the bed.  So I was kinda grumpy, which is unusual for me.  With just a few minutes left of my commute, the song "Rise Up" by Matt Maher came on the radio.

You're hanging onto mercy
withered on the vine
With your feet on the ground, your head in the clouds
and your heart on the line
Open up your eyes

(Watch the music video, or at least listen to it, while you read the rest of this. It's so encouraging).

Instantly, my perspective and mood changed.  I was uplifted.  Encouraged.  Outlook anew.

That evening, when I should have been at the cooking class, I took the kids with me to bring my dress to get tailored for the black tie event we have coming up.  With KTIS playing quietly, this song came on. Without any reaction to the song on my part, Claire said, "MOM! Turn it up!!!".  Why did she ask for THIS particular song to be turned up, when we had heard several other, also up-beat songs during our drive, without her plea for a higher volume?

Her sweet little soft voice started singing, "rise up! rise up!".  She continued to sing along with occasional words throughout the song.  My heart and face smiled while listening to her precious singing, thankful for frequent reminders to rise up...

Here's to becoming and STAYING healthy!  We have some summer to enjoy!

1 comment:

Angela said...

So glad everyone is feeling better! Cheers to a healthy and fun filled August!