Sunday, July 8, 2012

Cabin weekend, the good and the bad

The great thing about pictures?  You remember the wonderful, and soon forget the tough.  The tough included one hour (literally) of sleep for me on Friday night, Max and Daddy leaving the cabin at 6:00AM on Saturday morning to head back home because Maxy got the illness that most of his cousins and sister had gotten the week before, and what might have been the biggest and longest meltdown of Claire's short life Sunday morning, while most of the cabin was sleeping, amongst other trials and tribulations.  But, all in all, it was an enjoyable weekend.  Now as I'm sitting here writing this, with both kids in bed and sleeping an hour before bedtime, I'm preparing myself to bring Max into the Children's Hospital tonight to be treated for croup.  Poor little dude.

On a more happy note, here are my favorite pictures from the weekend.   You'll see that we really did have a terrific time.  It's hard not to when you're surrounded by family, water, and beautiful weather.

When we left the Twin Cities on Friday, it was nearing 100 degrees and HUMID.  We arrived two and a half hours north and it was only 70 degrees and breezy!  Heaven.

A parting shot of my Maxy when he left the cabin Saturday morning. 

The kids spent so much time wading in the water and collecting rocks.  

These two girls are adorable together. Cambrie is Claire's cousin, Brody's, age.  They love to play together. 

Cambrie taught Claire a funny face.  I told Becky that if she wants to stick with tradition, she should name her daughter with an "M" or "C" name.  For grandkids, so far Mom and Brad have a Caden, Cambrie, Claire, Max, and Maylie.  

See! I was there too! 

Maylie's (almost 6 months old) first pedicure!

I bet this picture would be really neat if I actually learned how and took the time to edit. Maybe that'll be a goal for this next winter. 

The best part about boat rides at sunset is the lighting.  Loved taking pictures in the setting light. 

Caden and Grandpa Brad 

I love this picture.  The trees with the reflection in the water, the setting sun shining on the fishing pole. 

Uncle Chris with Claire and Cambrie. 

One last boat ride before we left Sunday early afternoon. 

Bye bye, cabin on Cedar Lake.  We'll see you soon! And hopefully with healthy children! 

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