Friday night Josh left at bedtime to go to a bar to see his cousin Scott (Ami's husband) play with his band. Saturday I spent a large portion of the day at a photography editing class in Albertville. Last night we woke up around 2:00AM hearing the all-too-familiar seal bark coming from Max's room.
I didn't fall back asleep after that and was up with him (and Claire woke up too, of course) at 5:00AM in the bathroom downstairs with the water running as hot as it could in the shower (that felt less torturous than bringing him outside in the below zero weather, although the cold air is more effective at opening up the airway than the hot). I took him to urgent care later in the morning and he got a shot of steroids. Hopefully he will sleep much better tonight! After rushing home from urgent care, I picked up Claire and we went to Minnetonka for a 1 year old's birthday party. We got home by 4:00PM and went to get groceries. Whew. This coming week we only have one obligation in the evening (gymnastics on Tuesday) and I am excited to have time at home so I can feel more caught up with life!
So I typed all of that while I was waiting for my photos to upload into Photobucket. Just to kill time. Hopefully I didn't bore you in the process. :)
Tonight Max made me dinner.

As I took this photo, he handed me the dish (containing a hotdog bun and half a kiwi) and said, "Mommy, I made you SOUP. Be nummy! Be nummy!"

Get-caught-up-on-life, exhibit A, below.

They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, but I think it's just par for the course for a three year old girl. Claire tries to copy EVERYTHING I do. That means putting dinner on the table and trying to get as close as she can to what I served (one of those play dishes has a pear in it and I also served a pear with dinner tonight). She gets so excited to cook her dinner at her play kitchen. She constantly yells at me and asks which step I am on and then excitedly says she's doing the same thing too ("I'm cooking my hamburger TOO!").

When we got home from the birthday party, I changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Claire immediately ran to her room and found a sweatshirt, that also had a hood and zipper, just like me. After dinner was cleaned up, I had to do some work in preparation for tomorrow. Claire got out her calculator and said, "I'm texting and doing my work emails too, Mommy".

Have a good week!
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