Sunday, January 20, 2013

Healthy (finally!!) and 4th annual party

Knock on wood...but I think we might finally be healthy.  Well, except for a nagging cough for Claire, but other than that.  It's been a really rough two full weeks.  First both kids had a nasty cold for an entire week.  On the week anniversary of his cold, Max got croup (and he gets bad cases of croup).  As croup runs its course, it turns into a nasty cold.  Meanwhile, Claire maintained her nasty cold.  Then, last Thursday Max got a stomach bug.  On Friday I got the same thing and also came down with a fever.  I had to go to work for a few hours on Friday, and I tried to not tell anyone I was there with a nearly 101 degree fever because surely they would kill me.  I would, if I were them.  I pretty much broke the golden rule of don't-you-dare-go-to-work-sick-and-get-me-sick-too, but sometimes duty calls! So it's been a very sleepless two full weeks in our household and I'm praying we're finally over it!

In other news, Max decided he wasn't quite tall enough on the stool so he went on his tippy toes too.

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This evening I hosted the 4th annual family (including spouses and children!) get together for my "mom and baby class" friends.  Over 3 1/2 years ago, our babies looked like this.
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And now they, and their siblings, look like this!!  Sadly, three of the seven moms couldn't make it tonight, so below are only 8 of the 14 children we have combined.
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In 2009 we looked like this...
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And now we (at least four of us) look like this!  A little more tired, seasoned, and happy.
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You've heard me say it before, but I am so very thankful for these ladies and their children.  I am thankful that we continue to get together on a monthly basis to talk motherhood, family, marriage, and the Bachelor.  Life is good.

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