Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Weekend

Claire had been looking forward to returning to the cabin for MONTHS.  If I had been smart, I would have made one of those paper chain things where you take a link off each day to help her visualize how long we had until the big day. Instead, I daily broke it to her that it was not yet time.  One day, I said, "No, we're not going to the cabin today.  We're going in two weeks."  She wailed, "NOOOO!!! You said THREE weeks last time!!!!!!!!!!!!" We're still working on understanding time.

I think it was worth the wait for Claire. She was most certainly in her happy place. She behaved angelically the whole weekend and hardly wiped the smile from her face.

If you saw my pictures on Facebook, these are all new ones for your viewing pleasure.

The Farmers went home Sunday morning so Claire and Cambrie made the most of playing together on Saturday.
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Ami is probably cringing looking at this picture.  We won't do this to Briggsy-boy!
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I can't wait to eat snacks or lunch on this picnic table this summer. Love the view!
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These next two photos are blurry but I like them anyways.
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I love how I am snuggling and kissing Max (no doubt for the hundredth time that day) and you can see his little tongue with the indent in the middle.  Claire is in her happy place.
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Putting in the dock, the tradition for all MN cabins on Memorial weekend.
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The children spent a lot of time picking up little rocks and pebbles and putting them into this wagon.
Claire also discovered this weekend that she loves to eat sunflower seeds (from the shell).  She learned how to suck out the flavor, crack the shell open, remove the outside and eat the seed.  She kept asking "Big Brody" for more.  She'd stuff them in her sweatshirt pocket and pop them in her mouth while playing.  It was so cute.
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We were so lucky with the weather.  Both days, and especially Sunday, were warmer than in the Twin Cities.  Somehow we always get nice weather at the cabin.

Sleep at night? Decidedly NOT good.  But I remain hopeful that this year will be the best year yet for sleep at the cabin.  Both kids came to the cabin with a slight cold (mostly congestion) and as I feared it might, it turned into a croupy cough for Max Saturday night. I was up with him pretty much every half an hour and they were both up for good by 5:30AM.  I was very thankful that I thought to bring Max's steroid medication for his croup because I thought there was a slight chance his cold could turn into something more.  We caught it early and didn't hear any more of the strider (the seal bark-sounding cough) after his steroid treatment.  When they are healthy, I think they will (finally!!) sleep well there.

We go back in just two weeks during my Grandpa and Aunt Marcia's visit.  Already can't wait!  Life is good on Cedar Lake!

(And two thumbs up for a three day work-week this week!)

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