This is a mixed-bag post. There are two things I want to post about and I don't want to make two different posts, so bear with me. :)
Josh and I went to church Saturday evening. I have a hard time following the particular Pastor that spoke but he said something that spoke right to my heart. I am going to paraphrase because I can't remember his exact wording. The sermon series is about simplicity. He said that God is our Father and we should simply trust him, like we trusted our own dad when we were younger. With what we're going through, I completely trust God! I don't know how I would survive if I didn't. Pastor Tim said that when we encounter a challenge, we should turn to God. The time between when we ask God (insert what you're asking for.. in my case... a baby) and He answers is called the faith journey. That is what I am on- a faith journey. And I thank God for bringing me closer and closer to Him during this time. We will eventually have a child and when we do, I will be incredibly grateful for the baby and for the faith journey that God led me on.
Okay, now switching gears... kinda. Today Suzanne (Angela's sister) and I threw Angela a baby shower at my house. I would be lying if I said it wasn't a bit difficult to throw a baby shower. Angela was sensitive to that too (and I never said anything to her about it). But Angela is a dear, dear friend and I am happy for her regardless of my situation. The shower went very well! Except for the part where someone put a plastic utensil down the drain and my garbage disposal broke and water leaked everywhere under the sink. Yes, besides that, it went very well. She is due May 25th! Can't wait!
Here are some friends from high school: 
On another note (my last one!) my mom surprised me with a giftcard for a 1 hour massage! How nice! I am so blessed to have such loving and supportive friends and family.
God bless your week ahead!