Monday, March 17, 2008

Adios to our theme house!

Hello! It's been awhile since we posted. I *promise* to post about our Dominican Republic trip soon!

We joke that our new house has theme rooms, like those corny theme room hotels. One room, that will someday soon be the nursery, has a princess theme, complete with a mural of a castle and fairies (one of which has crossed-eyes) painted on the walls. There is another room that we affectionately call the "Nascar room". It was decked out in Nascar galore. We took down the nasty Nascar wallpaper a few weeks ago and I've been painting it like crazy! Here is a picture of the progress.

Here's a picture of lovely Sarah and I at The Local after work this evening for St Patricks Day! You can totally tell I was festive, right?? Sarah loaned me the necklace so I didn't look so out of place.

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