Sunday, June 15, 2008

Visiting the land of cheese, fireworks, and sausage.

Long live the road trip! Thanks to the 45+mpg Pri-pri (aka Prius), Bethanie, Barry, Josh and I trekked to Wisconsin this weekend. Barry wanted to fly us there (showoff) but alas, we did not listen. Even when we hit Lacrosse, Barry was still trying to convince us to turn around and return to the airport in Lakeville. Fortunately, it didn't take us too much longer than normal. Thanks Sue and our little GPS for helping us find good back roads! It felt sooo good to sleep after we arrived at Heather and Seans!

Saturday morning Bethanie ditched the girls, and went with the guys to see this dude that custom paints motorcycles (I threatened Josh with what I would do to him if he got ANY ideas at this place). Heather and I had fun visiting some cute shops in downtown Fort Atkinson. One super cute shop had a totally flooded basement :-(. After that, it was time to head to Milwaukee!

Tailgaiting at Miller Park in Milwaukee is SOO fun. DARN THOSE MINNESOTA DECISION MAKERS for not creating the same tailgating opportunity at the new Twins stadium!!! We had tons of yummy, unhealthy food, enjoyed several adult beverages, played washers and the bean bag game, and all around had a great time. It was fun to catch up with Ami and Scott too!!

For the actual game... it was one of the best I've seen! (Except for that game 6 of the 1991 world series that my dad and I went to... still haven't forgotten that we LEFT the game before Kirby's infamous home run). Sean and his friends are Brewers fans so Josh and I enjoyed talking SMACK with them all game. It went into extra innings and the Twins finally pulled it on in the 12th.

All in all, a very fun weekend! We hope to make it an annual tradition. Hopefully next time Wisconsin isn't totally flooded. On the way home it was incredible to see lakes where fields used to be just days ago! Keep everyone in Iowa and Wisconsin in your prayers!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I enjoyed reading this post! the way...I was born in Fort Atkinson!!!
Glad you had some fun in America's Dairyland!