Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hole #9

"The Future"

"This hole was inspired by my enthusiasm for our future. Our love for each other is truly a gift from God and I really think we are perfect for each other. I'm so excited for the future...I want to get a house with you, I want to get a puppy with you, I want to get season tickets to the Timberwolves with you, I want to go to church with you, I want to cook with you, I want to come home from work to your beautiful smile, I want to lay by your side every night, I want to golf with you, I want to travel the world with you, I want to comfort you always, I want to wake up next to you every morning, I want to start a family with you! Hun, I want to love you forever and ever... I promise to love you every day for the rest of my life...."

At this point he got on one knee and proposed!! I was so shocked. Hole #9 was in his bedroom and the room was dark and there were probably 50+ candles around the room and rose petals everywhere. It was SO romantic! After he proposed (and I said yes) we slow danced. What a special moment! We didn't tell anyone we were engaged (except for my chiropractor) for a few days because we wanted it to be just between us for awhile. LOVE HIM!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Josh and Whit, I got such a kick out of reading your blog every day and wondering what today's "hole" would bring. It's amazing to think it was all happening under our noses and we didn't know. Congrats on 4 wonderful years! momo