I would really appreciate your prayers today.
I feel as though my life is traveling at an incredibly fast speed. I have so much going on right now. I really wish I could simplify. I am terribly sad about my infertility and miscarriage today. As I type I have a massive lump in my throat. I have a midterm on Monday that I am nowhere near ready for and I have a midterm and group project as soon as I get back from Savannah next week and I haven't even started working on those. Work is crazy busy. I am going to be traveling a lot in the next few months and that does not bode well with my doctors appointments. My former boss knew all about my situation and was unbelievably supportive. My new boss, who is a male, doesn't know anything and I worry about being gone for my treatments. On average I have 5-6 appts per cycle. Being that he doesn't know what's going on with me, I don't know how he will react to me being gone so much. My new job is really demanding. I suppose I should have expected that. To actually feel comfortable I would love to be able to put in 50-55 hours per week, at least initially until I am more ramped up. That doesn't work with my school schedule because I have to leave at 4:30 for class two nights per week and the other nights I have to go home so I can study for hours.
So, there is my complaining for the day! I just needed to vent. I know that God will sustain me and provide for all of my needs! His peace is powerful and it calms my heart.
p.s. would you also pray for a family member of mine that is unfortunately traveling down the same path of infertility? Her heart is heavy and she is reaching the point where she can't handle it anymore. Would you pray for peace and for God to bless her with her perfect child?
annie kate
6 years ago
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