Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Funny people

I have had a few funny comments lately.

  • Someone that I do not work with at Target said to me, "Hi Whitney. It is so nice your face isn't swollen!!" and then walked away. Yes, it is nice indeed. :)
  • "Do you think people ever wonder if you are a teenage mother?" Thanks PAM!!!!
  • "Do you eat NO sugar?!?!"

The third comment came from a nurse after my gestational diabetes testing that I had last Wednesday. You have 5 minutes to drink this nasty orange sugary drink. I thought I was doing really well with managing the time until the nurse popped in and said "20 SECONDS!!!" and I had 1/3 left. Needless to say, I felt a bit quesy during the hour wait before I had my blood tested. While waiting I realized it probably wasn't the best idea to have a powdered sugar donut for breakfast right before my blood sugar test. During the hour of waiting I went to the front desk to schedule my next appt. As I stood there I started feeling dizzy so I leaned against the counter as I talked with the receptionist. This was not new- I feel that way all the time. While I waited I had a visit with Dr. Song. She measured my uterus which is right on track and I talked to her (once again) about my dizzy/lightheaded spells. We also talked about the sciatica. She said she can refer me to physical therapy if I want. I have been sleeping better lately because I am using two pillows between my legs. This has helped tremendously. I also have a prenatal massage on Feb 15th (Thanks Mom!!) so we'll see if that also helps. I like this Dr soooo much. I really hope we get lucky and she is the one who delivers our precious baby girl.

Once the hour was up, they took my blood. I asked the nurse how long until I get the results and she said it just takes a minute. When she walked back a couple minutes later she said, " you feel okay??". I was like, great! That's just what you want to hear when you're waiting to learn if you have gestational diabetes or not. I told her that I was lightheaded but I'm that way like 50% of the time. She said, "Because your blood sugar level is extremely, extremely low". Good news- I don't have diabetes! Then she said, "Do you eat NO sugar?!?!". To this, I bursted out laughing. I told her I eat more sugar than I probably should (but I left out the minor detail of having a donut for breakfast...don't want to get a lecture and feel guilty the next time I have a donut...because it will happen again, sooner rather than later :)). This explains why I am lightheaded so often. There's not much they can do about it. She told me I needed to get something to eat immediately after leaving the office. Even though I was lightheaded, I felt a lot better than I often do, so I wonder what my blood sugar level looks like when I feel very dizzy! I am going to concentrate on trying to eat something (healthy) every 30 minutes or so. I have only gained 13 pounds so far (which is just fine with my Dr) so I don't have to worry about gaining too much weight from eating so frequently.

I am in Las Vegas right now for the Reverse Logistics Association conference. It's not quite the same being pregnant here, but it has been fun! It's my first time here. Tonight I am eating dinner at a steak house with Genco, the third party service provider that operates Target's return center that I manage, and then Ashley (my direct report) and I are going to a Cirque du Soleil show at 9:30. I hope I don't fall asleep during it! Last night Ashley and I ate dinner at New York, New York and then walked up and down the strip and checked out the hotels. I was back in my room at 9PM and asleep by about 9:05!

I get home tomorrow night. I can't wait to see my hubby. Miss him!!! This is my third time traveling in the past month and I am ready to be done for awhile.

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