Monday, April 20, 2009

39 week update

I am 39 weeks today. We were hoping she'd be here by now but she'll be here sooner than later!

We were very sad last weekend to miss Heather and Sean's wedding. We talked to them several times over the weekend which was very nice. It sounds like the wedding was fantastic!

I had my 39 week appt today. I am now almost 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced. That's quite a bit of progress so we're happy! If she doesn't come on her own, I'll be induced next week. We just need to decide what day (my Dr will actually induce me any day now- she'd even do it tomorrow). We're thinking next Thursday or Friday. But our fingers are crossed that she'll come on her own this week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When is that lil' baby coming? I'm so anxious!! So many people are praying for you, little Claire!

love, Grandma Annie