Oh goodness, so much has happened since my last update at 31 weeks when we were admitted to Labor and Delivery! The good news is that Claire has shown some patience and I'm (obviously!) still pregnant!
I had three beautiful baby showers. I am so grateful and appreciative of the hostesses that threw my showers. Angela, Pam, Sarah, Amy, Heather, Bethanie, Ashley, and a couple others at work. What great memories that I will always treasure!
Sarah and Erik got married March 14th and I was a very pregnant Matron of Honor! The wedding was gorgeous and so much fun! I luckily fit into my dress and was told I didn't look like Barney too much (it was purple)! I'll try to post pictures soon.
We took a little road trip with Jeff, Annie, Bethanie and Barry March 20-22 to visit Heather and Sean in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. They are getting married April 18th- very soon! It was so nice to see them. The girls had a fun day on Saturday shopping and going out for lunch and dinner and the guys had fun playing paintball and bar hopping until 2:30AM for Sean's bachelor party. That will be the last time Josh is at a bar until bar close for a long time!
Now we're in full-blown baby preparation mode! We have put the stroller and pack-n-play together, figured out how the car seat works (trickier than you'd think!), washed the baby's newborn and 0-3 month clothes, purchased her 'coming home' outfit, cleaned out the garage, bought some last minute supplies, and started packing the hospital bag (in the bag so far = chapstick and sweat pants, haha).
I had a doctor appt last Monday. I was 36 weeks exactly. My uterus is measuring right at 36cm (so on track). My cervix was 1 cm dilated and 40% effaced. Even though my mom wishes badly that this means something, it really doesn't. I could have the baby today or I could have her past my due date (but not past May 4th because they induce a week after the due date). But, all in all, we are very happy that my body is making progress and preparing for labor! The Doctor said I have a "compliant cervix" so she thinks it will "react well" during labor and delivery- whatever that means! My next appt is this coming Monday at 37 weeks. I'm pulling for 2 cm dilated! On Monday I will be considered full-term, which is very exciting, especially considering the scare we had at 31 weeks!
Overall, I'm feeling good for being 36/37 weeks pregnant. I really can't complain. My dizzy spells have decreased- Praise God! My sciatica hasn't worsened. I definitely do not look forward to going to sleep at night because I am very uncomfortable and don't sleep that much. It's a good thing we have a king size bed because I don't know how else Josh, Me, Sydney, and all of my pillows would fit. I use a large pillow for between my legs to elevate my hip and I use a large pillow underneath my belly so it doesn't hang and pull so hard on my back. I had a prenatal massage last Sunday and it was heavenly (thanks, Mom!!). I am tired a lot due to the lack of sleep and Claire pulling all of my energy out of me. But I am SO thankful and grateful to be this far! Back in August and September I honestly didn't think I would still be pregnant in April. Thanks be to God for this amazing gift!
Can't wait to meet our precious baby girl. We know exactly what position she is in (Doctor told us). She keeps pushing her little tush out at me- I can literally feel around it and tell that it is her bottom! I already love her personality. :) COME SOON CLAIRE- WE LOVE YOU!!!!
P.S. I just have to say that I think Josh is going to be the best Dad in the whole wide world. I feel so blessed to have him as my partner on this journey. He is so compassionate, loving, helpful, sensitive, interested, engaged.. I could go on and on. He thinks about our precious daughter all the time. He will take such good care of her (and me). Right now he's really focused on being a "good coach" for me during labor- I think he'll do great!
annie kate
6 years ago
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