Monday, April 6, 2009


I am full-term today! Yay!!! That is so exciting. Back when I was admitted to L&D at 31 weeks I set my goal at April 6th (I wanted to make it at least this far) and now here I am!

I had a doctor appt this morning. I am still 1 cm dilated but am now 60% effaced and the cervix is "very soft". My doctor said the effacement and softening is more indicative of impending labor than the dilation so we were happy with the progress! She said I could go any day but it's likely they'll see me at my appt next Monday.

We're feeling prepared, except for not having the car seat installed yet. About 10 times per day people ask me, "are you getting excited?" Ahh! We HAVE been excited! We aren't just getting excited now! True, it's exciting that it could happen any day (and somewhat nerve-wrecking for planners like me because I have no control!), but we've been so excited about this baby ever since we found out about her last August, so no, we're not getting excited. :)

Here is a 37 week picture. She has dropped so low that Josh and I actually think I look smaller than I did a couple weeks ago. Notice my new haircut too :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally noticed the hair before you said anything and I'm LOVING it! I am picking out my new post-wedding "do" and dying for a cut. You are looking great!

Auntie H