Sunday, May 17, 2009

My Grandma

Today is the 2 year annivesary of the passing of my dear, sweet, precious grandma (Myrna, my mom's mom). She was the sweetest and funniest lady on the planet. We miss her so much. We were blessed to spend some precious days with her before her passing. A couple days before, my brother asked her what advice she had for me and him for when we are parents. I'll never forget her response. She said: "Make them obey you. Don't let them talk back. And love them, love them, love them". Here I am, a parent, two years later. How are we doing so far? Well Claire certainly did not obey me last night when I pleaded with her to stop crying and go to sleep. She hasn't talked back yet, thankfully. And Lord knows I love, love, love her!! So we're two for three.. doing pretty good.

I love you, Grandma.

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