Friday, May 15, 2009

Poop adventures

I think somehow when you become a parent, you automatically don't get as grossed out by many poop. Josh and I both had fun poop adventures in the past 24 hours.

Last night we gave Claire her first non-sponge bath. That means she was without a diaper for about 10 minutes.... a scary concept. The "sink bath" was less stressful for her than the "sponge bath" but she was still not a fan- to say the least. The bath was so close to completion before Claire pooped all over Josh's hand, which was positioned nicely right underneath her butt. I don't know how much Josh appreciated me laughing at him...maybe it was karma that caused me to experience my own poop adventure this morning.

I have to say my adventure was much worse. Claire is sooooo cute when she wakes up in the morning. She streches her arms, legs and neck and pushes her tush in the air for a couple minutes. Her streching takes after me- I love, love to strech. She makes these cute little sounds while she streches and raises her eyebrows high while keeping her eyes closed. So these are all precious moments that I watch while she's on the changing table before her diaper change. This morning after having my heart melt at this little sight, I remove her diaper and marvel because it is hardly wet or dirty at all. Should have seen this coming... I put a new diaper underneath her before removing the dirty one, but before I could close the diaper, she literally sprays poop AND pee EVERYWHERE. I mean projectile. And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. The poop AND pee are on:
My hand
My arm
My robe
The beautiful dresser
Her stack of clean clothes on the dresser
The clothes she's wearing
The changing pad cover (which is fabric, not plastic)
Her blanket

After a moment or two of shock I dove into adventure clean-up mode. I think she was quite embarassed by the whole incident because she broke into a very loud scream that lasted until I had things partly cleaned up and her into a clean onesie.

Yup, so that was my morning. Good times.

(Side note- Josh and I aren't convinced that Claire has colic. This past week has been much better. She is fussy in the evenings but hasn't had the hours on end screaming that she had last week. Maybe it's a fluke and next week will be bad again but I feel like colic can't be turned on and off like it seemed to this week. I think the diagnosis of colic is tricky since there isn't a medical test that can be conducted. So for now we remain skeptics. We are really enjoying the temperament of 2 week old Claire much better than 1 week old Claire. Hoping it lasts!)

(One more side note- Claire is getting professional pictures taken at our house on Sunday! I'm so excited! They will be put online so I'll post the link once I have it).


Anonymous said...

Maybe she was just sad that her daddy had to go back to work...


Anonymous said...

What is she going to wear for her pictures, and who is the photographer?? Is she going to have her hair done? love Grandma Annie

SM said...

...Everybody poops...just not usually on other people.