Monday, August 31, 2009

Claire at 4 months

Claire at 4 months:
  • Reaches for items in front of her
  • Interacts a lot. She tries to copy your facial expressions. The other night she and Josh took turns making funny noises ("farty sounds") with their mouths.
  • Rolls over from back to tummy constantly. She doesn't stop!
  • 11 lbs 7 oz and 23.5 inches long
  • Laughs a lot! Something that is hilarious one day may produce a blank stare the next.
  • Drools like crazy. We put a bib on her a lot to soak up the drool.
  • Puts her fist or fingers in her mouth.
  • Grabs her toes.
  • Is sometimes scared of strangers, especially men. "Strangers" have included Grandpa Jeff and Uncle Chris.
  • Notices Sydney more.
  • Is better at taking the bottle but still far prefers her Mommy.
  • Can cry /fuss herself to sleep occasionally (I don't let it go more than 3-5 minutes).
  • Enjoys being outside.
  • Doesn't sleep as well as she used to (but still good). She sleeps about 12 hours at night, with getting up once to eat. May get up another one or two times and need the pacifer reinserted.
  • Pulls her legs up under her while on her tummy. I told her she better not even think about crawling anytime soon!!
  • Still wears 0-3 month size clothing.
  • Makes my heart ache for her when I'm not with her!
  • Has a hammer arm. She pumps her right arm up and down, up and down. This is a brand new development.
  • Has a magnetic field in front of her mouth. She wants to put everything in her mouth. If anything is within a foot, she'll open her mouth and try to put it in.
  • Had her first cold already when she was about 3 1/2 months old. So sad!

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