Tuesday, August 11, 2009

French Fries

A Dad took his little girl to McDonalds. He bought her a small french fry, which contained 20 french fries. After they sat down, the Dad asked his daughter if he could have 2 french fries.

She hesitated because she knew deep down that she wanted all of her french fries herself.

She finally told her Dad that she didn't want to share any of her french fries. Sadly, she didn't realize two things:

  • Her Dad had the ability to give her many, many more french fries. More french fries than she could ever dream of or want.
  • Her Dad could easily take some or all of the french fries from her.


I've been thinking and praying a lot about our french fries lately. I so badly want to give away 2 of our 20 french fries but there's a little part of me that says I "need" all 19 or 20.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a great story. Jeff and I read a book about 30 years ago, early in our marriage. It was called Trust God with Your Finances. It changed our lives. We have since tithed 10% of our income, no matter what, the "first fruits" of our labor. We have never gone hungry or naked. We have always had enough to share more than the 10%. Every time we give, we are blessed in return in some way, sometimes just by the secret knowledge of the joy we are able to give another. For some reason, the book hit us both at the same time and in the same way and we never questioned it again. And we have have many many hard times in those 30 years. We have never thought about giving less, or waiting to give later. Actually, the harder the times are, the more we need to give. We have, over the years, been amazed at how many people struggle with this. But it was easy for us, and we did it "in our time". Everyone else will come to it when it is right for them. Best of luck in your inner struggle!! I know He'll win!