What would you do if you unexpectedly received $5,000, with which you could do whatever you want, with no strings attached? This happened to the Nordlund grandchildren in 2007. I had known for awhile that my Grandpa and Grandma had allocated $5,000 to each grandchild in their will. My Grandma sadly passed away in May 2007. After her death, my Grandpa decided he wanted to give this blessing to his grandchildren while he was still alive so he could see the joy on their face (and maybe also see how they use it). I haven't talked to my brother or my cousins about their decision(s) for their money, but wanted to share mine on here.
At first I put the money in our online ING account in a subaccount I created and named "Adoption". Adoption was heavy on our hearts (especially mine) and seeing how expensive it was, the $5K from my grandparents would be a big help. The $5k sat in that "Adoption" account for over 2 years. We decided in Fall 2009 that we weren't feeling called to adoption at this point in our lives. It was then that we decided to begin using the gift we were blessed with.
I wanted to use the gift money on items that would be long cherished, remembered, and widely used.
Here is a pictorial explanation for how we used our blessing.
1. Our first purchase was this dining room table. It fits 6 comfortably and expands to fit 4 more. I hope it will long be a place where family and friends gather and that it is a place of many special memories of our family of (soon to be) 4.
2. Our second purchase was this ottoman/toy chest. Already in less than a year, we have really enjoyed having it.

3. The third purchase was the Nikon D90 camera that I used to take these pictures. (I don't have a picture of the camera, because, well, that would be tricky). Despite taking two classes each, Josh and I still don't really know how to use the functionality on the camera (but we have the "auto" mode nailed!) but even so, it has taken beautiful pictures of our life and family and will long be used to capture our growing children!
4. The fourth purchase was these 5 trees that are beautifully planted in our backyard. I hope they grow, grow, and grow! (our soil is clay so this growth is not a certainty!). My grandparents loved sitting outside, listening to the birds, enjoying a donut and cup of coffee, and chatting. I think this was a great use of the money.

5. The fifth purchase was the materials to build this garden. This, too, will last for a long time and be a remembrance of my beloved grandparents!

6. Our sixth purchase was this rug that is in our favorite room in our house (the three season porch). Not as interesting a purchase as the others, but useful nonetheless!
7. Seventh was another toy chest for Claire. This one is from Ikea- I love it!
8. Eighth was a crib for baby boy Docken. This, too, will be used for a long time! It converts into a day bed and then a full size bed. And our last purchase was the matching dresser.
Wow, I feel very, very blessed. In less than a year from when we first touched the money, we purchased many beautiful items that will be around for a long time. We could not have purchased most of these items without this gift. I hope that my Grandpa (and my Grandma up above) would be pleased with our decisions for the money they so kindly blessed us with.