Thursday, June 16, 2011

Max at 7 Months Old

He's more than halfway to 8 months and I'm just now doing his 7 month update!  It's been a busy month with a trip to the cabin (Memorial weekend) and then a trip to NYC for work (leaving on the weekend) and then another trip to the cabin the following weekend, and several conference calls with folks in China in the evenings.  We're home this weekend and I have tomorrow off, so I hope to be able to catch up around my house.  It'll be a busy one though.  Saturday morning we have a playdate with our Mom and Baby friends at a local park/splash-pad.  That evening we're having the Dockens and Parks over for a BBQ.  Sunday Josh is golfing with my family while my mom, Aunt Marcia, and I do some landscaping and watch the kids, and then a whole slew of people are coming over for a BBQ at our house.  Hopefully the weather cooperates!

Anyways.... our little Max at 7 months:

In the middle of the action and loving it.

  • sleeps much better.  He goes down between 7:15-7:30PM and gets up for the day between 6:00-6:30AM.  During those 11 hours, he is up around 4-6 times.  Usually only 2-3 times occur while we are sleeping too.  The only thing we do is put his pacifier in his mouth, and change his diaper once.  It's HUGE progress but I have to say I'm looking forward someday to sleeping straight through the night and "sleeping in" until 7AM!  He naps three times a day and goes down wonderfully- puts up no fight at all! 
  • loves to watch Brody and Claire and wants to be right in the middle of the action with them.  
  • scoots backwards on his tummy
  • eats two solid meals per day.  He's had baby oatmeal, bananas, and home-made pureed sweet potatoes and peas so far.  Loves it all!  
  • likes water and can even drink pretty well from an adult cup. 
  • wears size 4 diapers (officially in the same size as Claire) and size 9 month or 6-12 month clothing.
  • is still a total mommy's boy. 
  • hardly drools at all. He never went through a drool stage- weird?  Maybe he'll start drooling when his teeth begin coming in.  
  • loves to lay on the rug on the bathroom floor (we call it his "activation pad") and bounce in his jumperoo.  
Just for fun, here is Claire's 7 month update.  She was crawling!  I am sort of glad Max isn't crawling yet because I'm not ready for him to grow up! 

1 comment:

modernchemistry said...

what a sweet little (mama's) boy! i am so glad he is sleeping better. :) what a blessing.