Saturday, January 21, 2012

Beer and gymnastics

Last weekend Amy hosted a 30th birthday party for Kris.  It's crazy to recall how I celebrated our 20th birthdays with these same friends and now we're celebrating our 30th birthdays!  

It was so nice to get out of the house and be with adults, without little children running around. Amy had a beer tasting at the party with a guy who owns "A Perfect Pint".  It was a fun addition to the party! In November, Amy and Kris moved into a new house that they built (you can see snippets of the kitchen in these pictures).  It is GORGEOUS!  

As I made my 2011 photobook, I realized that 99% of the pictures I take are of the children.  When I'm older, I want to at least think that I had a life outside of the kids, so I made sure to take proof at the party.   College roommates with our college sweethearts! 

Last week Claire graduated from her third semester of gymnastics.  It's fun to look at how she has grown since she first started gymnastics. 

These pictures are from her first graduation, in January 2011. 

These are from her second graduation, in June 2011. 

And the rest of the pictures are from graduation last week, January 2012.  
My sweet boy was excited to be there. Claire was just a little bit older than him when she started gymnastics, but Max is getting the shaft.  We aren't up for activities two nights a week yet. Sorry, dude! 

I can't say that Claire is the most coordinated child in her gymnastics class. While I have visions of her following in my dancing footsteps, we'll have to see where her passions and strengths lie. 


Annie Docken said...

Love the one of her ponytail flying. But really love the one of Mr. Aaron ready to help her jump the 4 foot mat. He so loves those children - knows just what they CAN do and celebrates it with them along the way.

The Lady said...

So fun!! Claire looks like she was made for gymnastics!