Saturday, January 14, 2012


It's been far too long since I lasted posted.  Life has been busy and our home internet hasn't been working.  

Around here lately, Claire has been keeping me on my toes.  Each day she seems to be closer to closer to a three year old (which my brother clarified for me is literally true).  She loves to do projects, sing songs, and play games (primarily, hide and go seek).  Hide and go seek is a RIOT with her.  She says, "Close your eyes! Close your eyes!!" and then she runs to the other room before running back and screaming, "Here I am!!".  It's perfect because we don't have to even move.  She does love it, though, when we play the more traditional way and hide from her. 

Claire rarely calls me "Mommy" anymore.  It's just "Mom" now.  She also calls me, "Hun" or "Honey" often.  She loves to sing songs and will wake up during the night, call for me, and then ask me to sing her a song.  

I babysat Landon last weekend and Claire just loved on him.  She gave him hugs and kisses and brought him toys/stuffed animals when he cried. "It's okay honey, you don't need to cry", she reassured him. 

She's going to be a GREAT helper for her new baby boy cousin, coming in May (Yay, I'm getting another nephew!!!).

Around here, I have not one, but TWO little children who are obsessed with phones.  Seriously, this is a spitting image of how Josh and I often look.  Technology- what a blessing and a curse. 

One of her favorite hiding spots. "Mom!  Take a picture of me hiding in the closet!"

Lately, Claire LOVES to wear dresses.  I've always mostly dressed her in pants and tops, except for special occasions when she wears dresses.  But each morning she starts off, "I wanna wear a dress today!!". Even with a brother, a boy cousin (whom she spends her days with), another boy cousin on the way, and a Mommy who isn't a girly-girl herself, Claire has a natural inclination to be girly. 

She's so beautiful. Inside and out. 

Lately, my Maxers has learned where his nose and tongue are.  He blows kisses, waves, and says "buh bye".  He might be going through a growth spurt because he has been eating and sleeping a ton.  

My heart has also been heavy with ache and grief lately and I will reflect and write more about that soon. 

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