Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter weekend

Now that I enjoy practicing using my camera on manual mode, I take way too many pictures.  Like, over 200 pictures from this weekend.  What happens is they all sit on my computer, taking up space in iPhoto. And I have to somehow choose about eight of them to go in my annual photobook.  But you get some for your viewing pleasure on my blog too. I don't know if these are the best ones or not, and I haven't edited any of them.  But it's 8:00PM and I'm tired from a busy day at work and home and have Grey's Anatomy waiting for me on the DVR.  Oh, and maybe some of that "better than s-e-x" cake I made for Easter Sunday dinner.  

I was off from work on Friday.  We went to Jesse and Ben's house to see big brother Andrew and meet baby Ethan.  He is adorable!  Does this beautiful Mama look like a woman who has two boys under two, and had her second c-section 10 days ago?  Yeah, I didn't think so either.  

Towards the end of our visit, Claire sweetly asked me if she could hold the baby.  Then she looked away from him the whole time.  She'll be a great big cousin to her two baby cousins on the way.....??

On Saturday morning we decorated eggs.  I am reminded every Easter that I am amazingly incompetent at making hard boiled eggs.  I even asked Josh this time if he considered the water to be boiling.  We ended up with five (yes...five) half-boiled eggs to decorate.  See how Max feels about that?  Pull it together, Mom. 

I dislike how terrible the lighting is in my kitchen, because that's where a lot of our family memories take place. 

After nap on Saturday, we went to the farm to celebrate Easter with the Dockens, Parks, and Hebels.  I am so thankful for the work that God's hand is doing in our family- both of Josh's sisters are expecting. Next Easter there'll be FIVE little cousins in the egg hunt.  

This boy?  He just kills me.  Today I spent probably too much time at work staring at this 
picture on my phone.

Out of all the 200+ pictures, I am in ONE of them. And only because I kindly asked my SIL to take a picture of me and Max.  At least it's a cute one. 

Saturday night I stayed up late making Cinnamon Sugar Pull Apart Bread for Easter brunch.  From actual flour and yeast (not even the fast kind).  I also got crazy and made a double batch of Potluck BBQ meatballs from the amazing Pioneer Woman to put in the freezer for weeknight meals. 

Easter morning, we went to a beautiful service at our church with my dad, Becky and Chris. Afterwards we enjoyed brunch and had another egg hunt.  Claire insisted that the Easter bunny HAD to come to her house while she was at church, because she did NOT want to see him. 

A little over-exposed but I love his huge green eyes and four little bottom teeth in this one.  Does he really have to turn into a pimply, hormonal, sweaty fourteen year old? Because I really like him at 17 months old.  

She's not trying to seduce you with her bare shoulders.  It's just that her 2T dress was huge on her almost 3 year old body.  

After naps, we went to Nana's house for Easter dinner, along with Big Brody, the Farmers, and Chris and Becky.

This is sweet baby Maylie at 13 weeks old. 

And yet another egg hunt! Claire and Cambrie are so sweet together.  Cambrie is a total tomboy and does things like grunt and army crawl on the floor and play in mud and booty dance.  And Claire either looks on in horror or tries to impersonate, but ends up squeaking instead of grunting (lest you think she is an angel, just spend a few hours in our house.  NOT an angel, letmetellyou).  

I tried getting all fancy schmancy with these last photos.  Focus on the flowers? 

And again? 

And now focus on Nana with her grandbabies! 

Each holiday I am reminded of how incredibly grateful I am to live near family and have my children grow up with their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  I didn't have that growing up- our nearest relatives were six hours away.  

 Even more so, I am thankful that my Savior died an excruciating death.  For me.  
And that...?  It changes everything. 


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