Sunday, April 1, 2012

Staycation, part dos

Our staycation continued Friday with a trip to the Minnesota Zoo with Melissa and Carson (and baby girl, due in June).  Can you see the monkey? 

Carson and Claire are both on the timid side, with new people or situations.  They get along well. 

On Saturday we went to Kristen Hanson and Tyler's wedding.  Kristy and I grew up in the same cul-de-sac.  Her sister's (Amy) blog is one of the blogs on the right side.  Kristy is five years younger than me, Amy is two years, and their brother David is one year younger than me.  They were great, great friends growing up (and still are!).  Amy and I say that we were each other's very first friend- we first met in the cul-de-sac with our puffy snowsuits on when I was four and Amy was two. Their mother, Mary, called me a "peacemaker" when we were growing up.  I've always remembered that.   
Kristen was a stunning bride and the ceremony was incredibly touching and God-honoring.  

Tyler and Kristen praying with both sets of parents. 

We enjoyed chatting with our 'old neighbors' at the reception.  The kids did remarkably well for being out and about during nap time.  We had to hightail it at 3:00PM because we were on borrowed time.  Both children fell asleep on the hour car ride home, bliss! 

 Behind the cute cake centerpiece is my Godmother, Cindy, and her husband Paul.  

Claire kept saying on Saturday and today that Kristen had a "butterfly" (beautiful) dress. 

It's back to the grind tomorrow.  I tried making evenings a little easier this week by making and freezing a lasagna today and cutting up all the veggies for the crockpot chicken fajitas I'm going to make tomorrow.  I am blessed to have been able to spend the past week with my children and see many special friends during each day's playdate.  And I'm thankful that this coming week is only a 4-day week for me!  

Have a great week! 

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