We are home from our first weekend at the cabin for the year. Because it was cool and rainy up north on Saturday, we decided to stay home (and were super productive!) and left early Sunday morning. It was a full house and a great time. I posted some pictures on Facebook but left the pictures that tell the real story for the blog post.
This weekend we played with bugs...
...told the kids they could only drink water from the water table...
...danced in the lawn...
...sang with the trees....
....double-dared a pitbull (a nice one)....
...ran through mud....
....sat at a campfire while caterpillars landed on us from the sky...
...and soaked in this beautiful view...

So, the million dollar question is.....how did the kids sleep? Better than last year, which isn't saying much since last year was so terribly awful that we started making just day trips to avoid the night-time torture. Claire didn't take a nap on Saturday (partially because Caden and Cambrie weren't napping, but then Caden (almost 5) fell asleep at 4:30PM and slept straight until 6:30AM!) and went to bed late, at 8:30PM. Claire is an incredibly light sleeper and Max stirs in his sleep and frequently woke her. I had her super loud noise machine in the room we were all sharing, so between that keeping me up, and also laying there awake just waiting for one of them to wake the other, I didn't get much sleep, at all. But Claire slept from 8:30PM to just before 5:00AM with waking maybe four times, so I will consider that a success? At least it's enough to make me want to go to the cabin again in a couple weeks when my Grandpa and Aunt come into town. (The silver lining is that she was soooo tired that she slept two of the 2 hour 15 minute car ride home today!!! Which never, ever happens. Most peaceful cabin ride ever).
Excited for this week! Two days of casual dress, only three days of work, a playdate with Ami and kiddos on Friday, my Grandpa coming into town on Wednesday and celebrating with a pizza party, and a trip to Washington DC on Sunday!
Oh! Before I sign off, wanted to document a couple of my favorite quotes from the weekend, to transfer to my annual book.
On the car ride up, it was silent.
Claire sneezed.
Max: Bless you, Sar.
Claire: Thank you, Maxy.
Max: Thank you.
Claire: You're welcome.
Josh and I just grinned.
This morning when Claire saw Nana she said, "Nana! How have you been doing?". Nana replied, "I have been just great! How have you been doing?". Claire answered, "I have just been doing so fine!"