Wednesday, June 13, 2012

More pictures from the cabin

We had such a great time at the cabin this weekend.  It was one of my favorite times up there.  I know it's partially because the children slept much better than usual.  Max adores sleeping and doesn't care where it happens.  Claire actually slept in until 6:00AM both days and I was overjoyed!  It's always extra special to spend time with Grandpa and Aunt Marcia and it was cute to hear Grandpa only call Claire "Gorgeous" or "Precious" all weekend.  I had fun jet-skiing by myself, and then with Claire, and then by myself while pulling Chris behind me on the tube- good 'ole broham/sister time.  We had lots of awesome food and spent the entire day outside (except when I napped from 12:30-2:00 with the kids on Saturday!).  

Claire enjoys her vantage point while playing in the pool (what you don't see is that my 3 year old is sitting in a bumbo). 

Water fight! 

Running to see little brother after he woke from (yet another) nap.  You may have noticed that baby Katie/Audrey (depending on the day) never leaves her side. 


Max didn't like me being more than two feet away from him all weekend. He screamed for Mommy while I was jet-skiing. 

Go Kirby Go! 

I will always remember my Grandpa as the most humble b.s.-ing card shark there was. 

Trying her first roasted marshmallow

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