Thursday, June 7, 2012

More stories and more pictures

My children crack me up.  They say laughing keeps you young and happy (I once went on a family reunion in Sweden and our Swedish relative that led the trip for about 30 Swedes and 20 Americans had recently attended an entire weekend-long workshop on the benefits of laughter and consequently used the fifty of us as his real-life practice the entire two weeks.  Imagine everyone standing in a huge circle and having to run into the middle three at a time to do something crazy while everyone laughed at you.  True story).  Anyways.... my kids make me laugh all the time.  And I love them for it.

Some conversations recently heard in our house...

Me: Claire, we need to take a bath.
Claire: Mom, you always say the same things. 
Me: (Chuckle)
Claire: Don't laugh at me.

After a good eight year run, my wedding bouquet fell off my dresser and shattered into a million pieces.  Claire fell to the ground and tried to hurriedly pick up the petals as I stood there in shock.  She said, "Oh Mom, it's okay.  It's going to be okay.  Don't cry, Mommy.  You give me a headache when you cry."

The other day in the car, Claire said, "Mom, my name is not Claire.  Don't call me that.  My name is 'Gorgeous'".  

Claire drank some dish soap the other night.  When I told Annie about it the next morning, Claire said, "MOM!  I don't want to talk about it anymore!!!"

Max likes to call me "Huuuunnney!"

Claire graduated from gymnastics last night.  There were a TON of kids in this last class- probably 15 or so.  Her name was the second to be called and she just ran up there like a champ!  So proud of her.

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