We had another wonderful Thanksgiving today. We started off the day with a light breakfast at Chris and Becky's house. One of the things I am most thankful for today is the birth of my two new nieces and one new nephew, all in the past six months. Maverick Barrett, Mara AnnMarie, and Bailey Rose-- all three such a blessing to our family!
Claire is thankful for her new cousins too. We both love to hold the babies.

The three cousins on "my side". This picture doesn't do anything to lessen my yearning for three children.

Max just adores babies. He talks about them even when they're not around. "Baby Maverit precious...baby Mara precious.... baby Bai-ey Rose precious..." he chants. I think you're precious too, buddy.

My dad with his grandkids.

The beautiful new family! More than ever, I love having them live just down the street, in the same neighborhood! (Did Becky really have a baby just seven days ago? She looks amazing!)

Then we headed to the farm for our big Thanksgiving lunch with Omi, Papa and the Parks.

Max learned today that his daddy knows how to drive a tractor. Max got to go on a long tractor-ride, lucky dude.

Can you believe we're adding a fifth newborn cousin to this daycare clan in a couple weeks? God bless Omi!

After naps, the extended family came over for dessert and a playdate. The kids are so lucky to grow up not only with their immediate cousins but with their second cousins (or is it first cousins, once removed? I can't keep that straight for the life of me) and great aunts and great uncles too!
After the playdate, we went to my mom's house to have dinner with her and Grandpa Brad. She made a delicious pork roast with potatoes and carrots. This was my first attempt ever at using the self-timer on my DSLR. I love Max's cheese face.

We got home at 7:00PM, skipped bath and put the kids straight to bed! We're all exhausted but happy to have
And we have Thanksgiving, round two on Saturday!
I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30
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