Sunday, November 4, 2012

Shoe shopping

I HATE shoe shopping (#firstworldproblem) but I had to find shoes today that I can wear with a suit on Tuesday for a work thing.  The only thing that makes shoe shopping less painful for me?  Bringing my children along.  So this afternoon I loaded up both the toddlers and the double stroller and left Daddy at home watching the football game in peace, to head to the mall to shop for shoes.

They are such good little shoppers.  I've trained them well. They both sat quietly in their stroller, each holding and munching on a banana.  And then just looking around and observing all the people.  I received several compliments from various shoppers on how quiet and patient they were and of course a couple questions on whether they were twins.  (This was starkly different from the scene after dinner tonight when Max got THREE timeouts in a matter of 15 minutes for throwing a tractor at Claire's head, biting and pinching me, and hitting his father.  So, yeah, #NOTperfect).

On the drive home I was decompressing while listening to Casting Crowns and overheard this sweet conversation in the backseat between Claire and Max.

Max: "Puppy get you.  Puppy get you".  (He means: puppy get ME) (He's scared of puppies)

Claire: "Max, a puppy won't get you....  I will always keep you safe....  You have nothing to worry about..."

And that was my reward for suffering through shoe shopping.

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