Monday, October 29, 2012

Maxwell's 2nd birthday party!

We had a great celebration for Max's 2nd birthday yesterday!  We had a super full house of family and a few friends who joined to celebrate our little Max turning 2.  Thanks to everyone for your love!

We served my mom's famous lasagna (THANK YOU for making it Mom! So helpful), caesar salad, and basil butter garlic bread.  Thanks to Bethanie for taking pictures!  Max was so well behaved, as was his big sister! Max was oblivious that the party was even about him but he enjoyed having all his people in his house! 

Costco cakes are So good. 

I made Halloween puppy chow and cookie dough truffles for the dessert table. 

He was this little 6 lb newborn not too long ago.  

This party was sponsored by the letter "M" and the number "2" 

My first time using my new Lisa Leonard "Celebrate" sign.  I plan to use this for many (big and small) family celebrations in the future. I like to have (make) reasons to celebrate. 

I think we had maybe 15 little ones? One 5 year old and then 14 kids age three and under.  

So polite, eating his cake with a fork.  He didn't even flinch when I took half the cake off his plate and ate it myself. :)  (just two short months ago, his hair was completely buzzed off.  Look how fast it grew). 

This is me overwhelmed by the madness around me.  Many of the aforementioned 15 little kids "helped" me open the gifts. 

Claire and Everleigh <3 p="p">

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