Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fall traditions

I love having fall traditions.  Each fall, we have a tradition of visiting Sever's corn maze, Emma Krumbee's apple orchard, and the MN Zoo (this is just the 2nd year of that tradition; we're going tomorrow!).

I love that the kids will start to form memories of these places. I love that we visit them with their cousins (both actual cousins and Josh's cousins' children, who they think of as their cousins! get that?).  I also love that I take pictures each year and I love looking back on them and comparing the same pictures from year to year.  The children grow up before your very eyes.  I am getting very nostalgic about Max turning two in a couple weeks.  I have actually cried about it, which is saying a lot for me :) (although I rarely shed tears, I am truthfully a very emotional person!).  I can't believe my little baby will be TWO.  I tell people that I am obsessed with him.  And I really am.  Isn't that all a child can really ask for?  It's mind-blowing for me to think about how passionate and madly in love I am with my children, and how it pales in comparison to how much our Heavenly Father loves us.  Wow.

Here are some pictures of Emma Krumbees over the past few years.

October 2010 / Claire almost 18 months, Max 36 weeks gestation 

October 2011 / Claire almost 2 1/2, Max almost 1 year

October 2012 / Claire almost 3 1/2, Max almost 2 

Cousins in front and behind them!

The Emma Krumbees pumpkin patch:



2012 (Max isn't in this one because Mommy was holding him.  He had just fell and got a pumpkin stem up his tush). 

What about you? What are your fall traditions?

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