Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday randoms

I made two new recipes this past weekend (pinterest, of course).  I made this Basil Butter Garlic Bread as an appetizer for dinner Saturday evening.  DE-LICIOUS!  I just may be planning already to make it again this weekend.  I put this pan-roasted chicken with lemon-garlic green beans (and potatoes) together Sunday afternoon and threw it in the oven a couple hours later.  It was DELICIOUS.  Josh had a migraine on Sunday and said, "This is exactly what I needed tonight". I recommend them both.

I adore these pictures of Claire and I taking turns making funny faces with Daddy's glasses and taking pictures of each other.  We are so silly together and I love it.  Laughter is good. 

We had Ami and her crew and Auntie Heather and Mara over last Friday for a playdate and pizza lunch.  So fun. Claire adores her cousin Mara, even though Auntie Heather is adamant she won't be babysitting anytime soon (remember the "no hands!!" picture? Case made further by the holding posture below). Ami insists Claire was just shielding Mara from the flash. 

Sunday was one of those days where you feel like you ran a marathon, or in my case, like three miles, as I imagine three miles of running for me is akin to a marathon for others (seriously, I don't really understand running-- and specifically, how bodies can withstand the impact!  Makes my knees cringe thinking about it.  But more power to ya, runners!).  Josh was in bed until 2:00PM that day, with an awful headache induced by the two beers he drank the evening before (two!).  Within an hour's span in the morning, I fed the kids, gave them a bath, got them dressed, picnic lunch made and diaper bag packed for the zoo, showered myself, and out the door for church.  I served in Max's sunday school room (much to his delight; he is still so scared of being in his sunday school room!) and then brought the kids to the zoo, where we met up with Heather and Bethanie and offspring. It was a gorgeous day.  Did a bunch of stuff that afternoon, made aforementioned chicken dinner, got the kids to bed, and I was sleeping by 8:15PM! 

I captured a moment that is becoming more and more frequent--- independent play, together. Claire likes to pull up her shirt and put little toys on her tummy, claiming it makes her stomach feel better.... ? 


Unknown said...

Okay, those pics of you and Claire wearing Josh's glasses are awe.some. She is such a mini-me! I can totally see it, and see the love going both ways. :) Can't wait to play on Monday!!

Bethanie said...

The group of pictures of Claire making faces while wearing Josh's glasses is just about one of the cutest things I have ever seen!!!