Saturday, October 6, 2012

Five young'uns

Bethanie and I took pictures of the five grandchildren with Omi and Papa this past week. It was interesting with kids ages 3, 2, 1, 4 months and 3 weeks old.  And two non-professional photographers. But I think we got a few good ones and we're paying Bethanie's co-worker who is also a professional photography a (very reasonable) fee for editing a handful.

Isn't my girl so beautiful? 

This series of photos crack me up. Starts off fine, except for Mav being upset. 

And then Claire, who is holding a 3 WEEK old baby, says, "NO HANDS!!" 

Claire realizes that Mara is starting to get fussy and she gets concerned.  Max is watching Maverick cry, also concerned. 

Now now, Maverick, here's a little pat to comfort you. 

Claire is still concerned.  Max is still concerned, patting Mav. Brody doing his best holding his crying brother. 

Mara full on crying, Claire concerned.  Max gives Maverick a hug. 

And a kiss. 

Claire and Max loving on Maverick, like they do all day long (Max was also loving on Maverick this week when he drug him five feet across the floor and laid directly on him).  Brody fixing Mara's shoe.