Sunday, September 30, 2012


This was a joyous month.  We had so, so much to celebrate. And celebrate, we did. 

My perfect, wished for, prayed for, niece, Mara AnnMarie, was born on September 9th. 

We all think she's pretty great. 

My Grandpa was here from Florida to celebrate his 88th birthday.  He's amazing.  At 88, he's still living alone, golfing twice a week, and sending handwritten cards for every birthday in the family.  So thankful for our Patriarch. 

 I hosted a baby shower (with a lot of help from my Mama) for my S-I-L Becky on September 23rd. We can't wait for baby girl Thydean to join us.  She's due days before Thanksgiving.  What a joyful Thanksgiving and Christmas it will be! 

We enjoyed beautiful fall weather. 

My heart often literally beats faster when I'm with Max. So in love with him. 

And we had a fun time at Sever's corn maze.  Always a highlight of the fall.  

Tomorrow is the first day of October and it marks just ONE month before Max turns TWO! Say it isn't true- I'm in total denial!

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