Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day at the cabin

Before this weekend, we hadn't been to the cabin since the 4th of July weekend. And that weekend was a semi-bust because the children were AWFUL at night and Max and Daddy had to leave early because Max got sick.  So, we were excited for a beautiful weekend with family!  

Cute Kirby! I didn't realize when I was taking this picture that you can see Max smiling (what else would he be doing?) in the reflection!

My princess.

This picture is a good representation of my kids... Max with a huge smile and Claire wearing pink from head to toe, and with a crown too.  

Included in the long list of things I love about fall is.... new (as in never worn, but I bought them all last year on clearance) fall clothes on the kids! 

Claire was getting very tired while on a golf cart ride...

And she completely passed out.  This is the child that NEVER just falls asleep somewhere, besides her bed or carseat. 

Claire proclaimed her time spent floating on the raft her favorite part of the weekend.

Quite the predicament, Kirbs. 

I love her profile. 

Chris kneeboarding (or "flying" as Claire called it) with Becky, Josh, and Max looking on from the shore behind him.  Claire said, "I am going to tell Aunt Becky that Uncle Chris did a good job!" :) 

Sunday evening we had a fish fry with my mom's amazing oriental salad (and these amazing french fries).

Oh, yah, and this was also my and Josh's 11 year dating anniversary, which neither of us remembered until today.  11!  See how we're celebrating by sitting at different tables?  

In the middle of a mouthful. 

Their lake is so beautiful and serene. 

Claire and Max slept surprisingly well, both nights.  Such a treat.  It's hard to believe that the next time we're at the cabin, baby Thydean will be there, and will be like six months old!  Can't wait.


SM said...

Great photos. Looks like you had perfect weather.

CLMJNB Ketcher said...

Love the picture of you & Claire! _ Loriann