Claire continues to grow up before our eyes. Yesterday we had a playdate with the cousins at Jesse and Ben's house. Afterwards, the four moms went out to lunch while the dads took the kids home to nap. When we're home, I am always the one who has to put Claire to nap and bed. I tuck her in and make sure to leave the door all the way open. Yesterday, Claire told Josh, "I'll tuck myself in and I'll close my door, ALL BY MYSELF". Sure enough, she closed the door (what?!) and he didn't hear a peep for a couple hours! And, this morning, she ran right into her sunday school room all by herself, pulled up a chair, and started coloring. Didn't need any help finding a spot from me. These are big milestones for Claire.
Precious Bailey at my mom's house.

Max, Cambrie, and Claire.

Took some close-up pictures this afternoon, to capture the little details of her sweet face.

After an enjoyable visit from Auntie Heather and Uncle Sean, we put up the tree together.

Daddy, Claire and Stella

Taking a break from the tree to steal a kiss from my sweet boy.

It was such a wonderful four-day break. Sigh. I am feeling God's presence already this holiday season. We just finished an amazing sermon series at church, titled "worship, grow, impact". At the "Impact" service, all several thousand of us were individually anointed with oil on our forehead and sent out to impact others for God, in the name of Jesus Christ. I'm praying that every day of this holiday season is a holy day. 30 days. There's only 30 days between now and Christmas Day, when this season is all over. These days go by in a flash. Especially the weekdays when we're in a crazy busy routine. I'm trying to be intentional about noticing each day and making each day holy (I love how holy means "set apart"). I have almost all of my Christmas shopping done, so I don't need to focus on the hustle and bustle of the stores. I'm hosting a 2nd annual ladies baking day at my house next weekend and looking forward to attending our church's Women's Christmas brunch with my dear friend Rachel. I'm looking forward to all of the little things with my children- baking, wrapping presents, driving around the neighborhood in the evening to stare at the lights in wonder. Many different celebrations with family. Quiet evenings after the kids go to bed, sitting with my honey in front of the Christmas tree. I pray that these 30 days aren't just a blur and soon a distant memory. I love this season.
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