We started officially potty-training last Thursday. I know for my children, we need to wait until they are emotionally and physically ready to potty train. Max made that decision last Thursday and has been a rockstar since. He has only had a couple accidents this weekend. Super proud. And surprisingly sad at the thought of being rid of diapers.

I've been in physical therapy and seeing an Orthopedic Surgeon for my left wrist for a couple months now. It's been actually very discouraging for me. I can't use my wrist in simple ways and I'm especially bummed about not being able to do yoga, because of the pain. So Friday morning, Max poops in his underwear. I carefully remove the undies from his legs but the poop makes it onto the floor instead of the toilet (graphic, sorry, that's what happens when you're in the throes of potty training). I clean up the floor, grab the sheets off my bed to put them in the laundry and head down the stairs. I take one step onto a blasted book sitting on a stair and fall down the rest of the staircase, injuring my left hand (the one for which I'm in PT). My entire arm, from my wrist to past my bicep, was tingly/numb. Why did it have to be the left wrist?!
We had plans to go to the splash park on Friday but it was too cold (overcast and very windy). Instead, the Ketchers came to our house and we had fun playing outside and eating lunch.
Oh, we also walked over to my brother's house that morning to visit him and Bailey. Perfect way to start the day.

We put the kids to bed at 7:30PM on Friday and then I was heading over to my friend Rachel's house for a little facial party (it sounds wonderful and it was). On my way out, I picked up the last remnants of our evening fun in the front yard- the scooter, lawn chairs, water cups- and I most certainly noticed Josh's brand new car (which had only been in our possession for 7 days) in the driveway. Got into my car in the garage and went into autopilot. Started backing up and then heard the most-awful sound of vehicle hitting vehicle. I had driven into the brand new car, damaging both of them. I held it together (and had fun) at Rachel's and then broke down sobbing when I got home. I could not believe I dented and scratched a beautiful vehicle with less than 200 miles on it. It made for a restless night of sleep and a grumpy Saturday morning.
The kids and I met the Rings at a nearby park later Saturday morning. The weather was incredible, the kids had fun together, and I enjoyed Josh and Rachel's company.

Last minute, we decided to get together with the Fords that afternoon, evening. We met up late afternoon at the splash park and then went to our house and grilled dinner. At the splash park, Max made sure to water all of the plants, bless his heart.

The boys took a bath and Claire took a shower and then Laurie and I took them on a past-your-bedtime, pajama-clad walk around the neighborhood.

Max got kicked out of Sunday school during church this morning. He made it 45 out of the 70 minute service before we got the text "you should pick up Max". Little dude's gotta get the joke that this church thing is sticking around.
Pastor Bill preached on Acts 27 this morning. It's about a major storm and then a shipwreck as Paul was sailing for Rome. On the third day of the storm, they threw the ship's tackle overboard. One of the thoughts Pastor Bill left us with was this: What do I need to throw overboard? What mind-set do I need to launch over the side of my life-boat? I immediately thought about the damage I had done to Josh's car and how it still was making me sick to my stomach. Then it hit me. In a strange way, it was actually sort of freeing to have damage on a pristine, brand-new vehicle. In a way, it felt like God's way of saying-- this is all just stuff! It's JUST a car! Don't be so attached to the things of the world. Don't be so concerned with your earthly possessions. And for the first time since Friday evening, I felt a weight lifted. And I prayed that I would be ever focused on eternal matters and not earthly-- this is the mindset I wanted to throw overboard.
We went to the Mall briefly after church. Max went peepee on the PUBLIC potty TWICE while we were there! It took Claire months after potty training before she would go in a public restroom. He even held it for 15 minutes after telling me he had to go, while I checked out at Yankee and found a bathroom. And at that point it was 11:00AM and he hadn't gone since the evening before! He got a special treat (below) for being so great with the potty thing.

UP (and some DOWN):
While our men went golfing, Ami and I took the kids to the splash park (yes, the same one, it's fabulous). The good thing is that Max insists on going on the potty now. The bad thing is that he insists on going on the potty even when it's the nasty one at the splash park and I thus spend more time in said nasty bathroom than actually splashing. Between him and Claire, I think I made the trek across the park to the bathroom at least 6 times. I would never have convinced him one additional time to do a "woodsy potty"...nope, not me! Nevertheless, we had a fun time and enjoyed a picnic dinner with the dads once they joined us after golf. We left there at 6:30PM and went straight to baths and straight to bed.

I'm thankful I get to do life with this Mama.