Grandpa is made of pure sugar. Both because he is truly the sweetest man to have ever walked the planet and because sugar is mostly what he consumes. How he is a very healthy almost 89 year old with this diet of 98% sugar is beyond me.

I love how Grandpa and Bailey are looking at each other. Grandpa is pretty much obsessed with "the little angel".

Claire has improved dramatically with her John Deere driving skills. She can whip around the property, around and through obstacles, with ease. It's pretty funny (and impressive). Max, on the other hand, well, let's just say that it's a good thing the backyard is large because I turn the steering wheel just enough so he can continue going around and around in circles because he has no concept of steering thus far.

The positive side to being up and at 'em at 5:28AM is catching the tail-end of the beautiful sunrise. The negative side was being up and at 'em at 5:28AM.

Grandpa is still a card shark at almost 89 years old.

Bailey loves watching Claire and Max. Here, she was sitting in the Mini and moving her head around so she could always keep her eyes on them.

Max is completely happy with just a shovel, dump truck, and bed of rocks.

Next Cabin trip: 4th of July weekend!
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