Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Day 2008

Yesterday was our 7th Valentine's Day together... I can hardly believe it!

Not only do Josh and I work in the same building, but we work on the same floor. In the morning Josh surprised me and brought my favorite Caribou drink to my desk. Very sweet. Last night we went to dinner at Chianti Grill in Burnsville. We had a great time! We both got a glass of red wine with dinner (we're really into wine right now) and I told Josh that we should toast to something. He said, "let's toast to you" and I said, "we can't toast to me on Valentine's day". And he said, "Let's toast to our future family". Awww... could he be any sweeter?? He is so excited about being a dad.

We went to happy hour after work today and now I'm sitting at the kitchen table at 8:15PM on Friday night and I have to read 50 pages of articles and then write a paper on IT management. I'm pumped about it.... really...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a sweet Valentine! Sounds like you enjoyed your evening. I know what you mean about studying on a Friday night... didn't we used to only cram before exams? Now it's the only time to get anything done! Enjoy your week.
Cousin Gina