Sunday, February 3, 2008

We have a blog!

Welcome and thanks for visiting our new blog! We will be the first to admit that we don't lead a crazy life but we are going to blog about it anyways! With the recent events in our life, I was going to start journaling but I figured this is a sort of online journal and we can share our ups and downs with those we love. We hope you check back often!


Anonymous said...

Oh, what a great idea! Can't wait to read all about the Dockens!!! :)

Bethany said...

I'm excited to check your blog often!!! It's such a fun thing to have! It's a great way to keep memories and photos, and fun to look back on later!
Can't wait to see you guys in D.R. next month!
Love ya,

SM said...

Awesome job on the blog.